Request for querying a Document
Attributes |
Required. The name of the ``Document`` to query. Example:
Required. Query string to perform semantic
Optional. The maximum number of ``Chunk``\ s to return. The
service may return fewer ``Chunk``\ s.
If unspecified, at most 10 ``Chunk``\ s will be returned.
The maximum specified result count is 100.
Optional. Filter for ``Chunk`` metadata. Each
``MetadataFilter`` object should correspond to a unique key.
Multiple ``MetadataFilter`` objects are joined by logical
Note: ``Document``-level filtering is not supported for this
request because a ``Document`` name is already specified.
Example query: (year >= 2020 OR year < 2010) AND (genre =
drama OR genre = action)
``MetadataFilter`` object list: metadata_filters = [ {key =
"chunk.custom_metadata.year" conditions = [{int_value =
2020, operation = GREATER_EQUAL}, {int_value = 2010,
operation = LESS}}, {key = "chunk.custom_metadata.genre"
conditions = [{string_value = "drama", operation = EQUAL},
{string_value = "action", operation = EQUAL}}]
Example query for a numeric range of values: (year > 2015
AND year <= 2020)
``MetadataFilter`` object list: metadata_filters = [ {key =
"chunk.custom_metadata.year" conditions = [{int_value =
2015, operation = GREATER}]}, {key =
"chunk.custom_metadata.year" conditions = [{int_value =
2020, operation = LESS_EQUAL}]}]
Note: "AND"s for the same key are only supported for numeric
values. String values only support "OR"s for the same key.